Turn out the lights, get under a cover, grab your crucifixes and get ready for horror movie season, because this year, as far as masters in horror for this generation go, it takes Wan to know one. Today I take Wan's two latest households of haunted-house horror, The Conjuring and the Insidious franchise, both featuring sheer terror, demons and the ability to keep you sleeping with the lights on, and will compare them, contrast them and examine not only what it is that makes these films so terrifying but what has compelled me enough to rant about what makes James Wan a master of his craft. But before we can conjure up where Wan stands today, it is only fitting to take us back to the beginning of his first breakout horror flick and one of the most influential horror films of the last decade, this generation and of all time in the sense that it was a remarkable game changer. Of course the film I'm referring to is Saw , a movie that lite...
"Gilligan killed the skipper--I mean, stripper!" It is absolutely no secret that I tend to fall for the episodes where fast paced events take place, secrets and dastardly plots are whispered and lies and betrayal create plans that ultimately fail on a large scale... But then again, those tropes are nothing new to a show like Arrested Development. It's very reminiscent to Pier Pressure in the sense in that it's related to a secret operation, many players involved, including Buster, who help ruin the operation and an involvement of male strippers dressed up as policemen... and other guests. Great moments include: "Annyong" Michael's office being either too cold or too hot... And essentially, the breakdown of the plot and highlight of the episode is as follows: Gob is to have a bachelor party for his new marriage with Amy Pohler. Gob picks Papa Bluth, not Michael, as his best man. Papa Blu...
"In its post–Golden Age usage, there is ambiguity on both sides of the definition: on the one hand, many B movies display a high degree of craft and aesthetic ingenuity; on the other, the primary interest of many inexpensive exploitation films is prurient. In some cases, both may be true." So as you can tell, I recently saw Pacific Rim as I'm writing an entire damned article on the matter and how it inspires the kid in me to become excited with the magnificent, spectacle of pure action and entertainment engrossed in the world of fantasy on screen; a child-like excitement which dates all the way back to the origin of "the B movie," how it's making a great comeback (or how it's really never left) and why we need more movies like these. We'll get to Del Toro's latest "Robots vs. Monsters" grandeur in a moment but I'm first going to pave the way of the B road with masters of the craft and projects that have attempted, su...