Top 15 Movie Badasses

Ladies and gentlemen... Break out those wild weapons. Gnash those gritty teeth. Prep those one-liners. It's time for another ranking! And this time we're counting down the finest badasses in cinema! That means no books, playwrights, cave paintings and/or former stories, etc; characters who come purely from film. So no super heroes, no wizards from Hogwarts, no cigar. Capiche? Et tu Brute? None of that. Good. Great. Grand. Wonderful.

Let's kick some ass!!!

15) Tony Montana (Played by Al Pacino) - Scarface
Who else yells "Say hello to my little friend!" just before blowing away his enemies with a tommy gun? C'mon folks, this is textbook. Kicking us off with a literal bang, we follow drug lord Tony Montana as his cocaine crushes to bits and his life crumbles to pieces. The man literally fights to the death taking on as many henchmen as possible, blowing holes through villainous gunmen while blowing mountains off a desk (arguably actual cocaine on set, as if the character of Montana wasn't crazy enough for Al). Pacino may not give an Oscar-worthy performance but he ecstatically sells the role harder than his character sells the drugs. His acting chops may be more recognized down the road with The Godfather, but everyone will remember his legacy as Tony Montana.
Due to copyright infringement, we couldn't produce a picture from the actual film so here's a still from Scarface: The Elementary School Play (not kidding).

14) Travis Bickle (Played by Robert DeNiro) - Taxi Driver
While a dramatic characterization of the complete transformation of a seemingly normal man to gun-waving lunatic, Taxi Driver gave us not only the first truly great Martin Scorsese picture, but gave us an outstanding performance by Robert DeNiro. Another legend in the making, DeNiro literally kills it. And call me as crazy as Travis but this might be DeNiro's straight up best acting... Ever. Bickle is an iconic anti-hero who represents that bat-sh*t crazy person we all keep locked up deep down; the man who we all can become if we unleashed our violent demons and DeNiro frighteningly nails it in the aspect that we would be scared sh*tless if we came across this man. He literally invented the iconic "You talkin' to me?" line to himself in the damn mirror. He's a dude that is not to be reckoned with, showing that no matter how far over the deep end he goes, he's still a fearless, crazy-ass nut job.

13) The Boondock Saints (Played by Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus) - "The Boondock Saints" franchise
Yeah, I know it's two characters but can you really have one without the other? These shepherds from Ireland might be some of the most cliche badasses to younger audiences; college kids hanging posters of the iconic pose of them wielding their pistols; teens wearing hoodies with the iconic prayer printed on the back; kids running around with "Veritas" tattoos on their fingers but last time I checked, that only proves these boys' badass legacy is impressionable enough to recognize over a decade later.

12) Tallahassee  (Played by Woody Harrelson) - Zombieland
Just one year before Rick Grimes had us all switching our majors to zombie hunters, Woody Harrelson brought comedy to zombie killing. With his fearless cowboy hat and his innate sense of violent tendencies, Harrelson's friendly Southern accent made us want to follow him as he got creative with his head shots. By creating a cowboy in an apocalyptic, tragic world, Tallahassee brought a new sense of fun to horror that hadn't been portrayed in years.

11) The Terminator (Played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) - "The Terminator" franchise
After taking out a group of thugs at the bar, Schwarzenegger demands they turn over their biker-gang apparel and steps out with his cold, emotionless expression, sporting a leather jacket, black boots, sunglasses and the theme "Bad to the Bone" following his footsteps. It is this first moment in the Terminator franchise that we smile at the horror of a man-looking machine about to go on a killing spree for women named Sarah Connor. With no inhibition and built with no emotion, the T-101 is a literal killing machine and Arnie brings more badass to this role than he does in most. The way he wields his shotgun; the way he fearlessly walks; the way he kills with no expression; make no mistake, this is a character of pure horror... but a horrifically badass character at that.
Because the only thing more badass than riding a motorcycle and shooting a shotgun is doing both at once.

10) Agent Smith (Played by Hugo Weaving) - "The Matrix" trilogy
With his slow, stern talking as he never fails to address Keanu Reeves' Neo as Mr. Anderson for three films straight, Weaving brings a literal machine to the character of Agent Smith, but unlike The Terminator, Smith has a little more personality. While yes, he's pretty much a computer program, designed to be a dick and destroy the entire system (The Matrix) and anything trying to save it (Neo), he's also built with new computer-gadgetry with each sequel like cloning and flying but stripping him down to that first brilliant entry in the sci-fi saga, Weaving brings true terror to the character; an unstoppable force that's slowly brooding while being a terrorizing villain. Always looking fresh, sporting a suit and sunglasses, Smith represents the towering business-like villain that stalks our economy... Or our computer programs. And Weaving, as he does with every role, plays the part like a true badass.

9) The Bride (Played by Uma Thurman) - Kill Bill
Taking two movies to do it, Beatrix Kiddo avenges her violated womb and left-for-dead state of being and claims vengeance on those who... well, left her for dead. Leading a bloody battle ahead with a samurai sword, The Bride takes on any and all scum who stand in her way. While Tarantino really went out to give us his bloodiest B movie yet, it is Thurman who shines and slices as the fearless woman who not only kills but kills a lot. Taking on seemingly hundreds of villains, she beheads, removes limbs and eyeballs and does it effortlessly. It shouldn't be as much fun watching so much cartoonish violence as it is but that's what happens when you can't help but cheer on a badass b*tch.

8) Ellen Ripley (Played by Sigourney Weaver) - The "Alien" franchise
The second female on this list also shows one of the biggest growths in character development in franchise history. With each Alien sequel, dropping dramatically in quality after the second installment, Ripley detaches herself more and more from humanity and emotional attachment making her an alien-killing machine and ultimately by the final and God-awful Alien: Resurrection, she is a full-fledged gun toting raging b*tch and I mean that in the highest of compliments. But for what it's worth, those first two Alien flicks really show how a normal girl on a space exploration becomes a true kickass heroine. Weaver really brings the realistic fear out of the character of Ripley and evolves her into a fearless hunter we'd all follow into space battle with. By defending loved ones to the literal Alien queen with "Get away from her you b*tch," we know, nothing of this world or the next should mess with Ellen Ripley.

7) Jules Winnfield (Played by Samuel L. Jackson) - Pulp Fiction
Samuel L. Jackson making Ezekiel 25:17 a now iconic piece of cinematic dialogue, before murdering his victims, stares a bullet in the face while showing his wallet that literally has "Bad Mother F*cker" stitched on it... Save for the fact that every line he has in the film is a one-liner quoted by fanboys everywhere, what else do you need to know?

6) Indiana Jones (Played by Harrison Ford) - The "Indiana Jones" franchise
It's Indy folks. He's scared of snakes but that's literally his only flaw. The James Bond of Whip-cracking, Harrison Ford brings this woman-loving, adventure seeking, nazi punching, holy grail unveiling daredevil to life. Let's put it this way. The coordinated fight between Indy and the swordsman in Raiders didn't happen because Ford was sick on set that day. But having Indy flat-out shoot the guy dead was not only a better choice and is reigned one of Jones' most memorable moments but it's the perfect proof supporting Indy being the biggest badass.

5) Han Solo (Played by Harrison Ford) - The "Star Wars" franchise
Only fitting to pair up with Jones, Ford once again dons the badass but here it's essentially Indy in space. It's not really about who shot first though the idea of Solo shooting Grido in cold blood is badass. It's more about the swag Han carries with him along for the light-speed ride through the stars. By not being a jedi, Solo still proves he's one of the more bad-to-the-bone dudes of the galaxy. With a walking carpet of a partner, he stares death in the face and when told "I love you" he tells his b*tches "I know" like a boss.

4) John McClane (Played by Bruce Willis) - The "Die Hard" franchise
One man vs. twelve terrorists on Christmas Eve led by Alan Rickman's devious iconic villain, Hans Gruber, Willis gives John McClane a name to remember. Spawning four sequels, McClane birthed the action hero; gave badass a new name and wore it for Christmas. With his vulgarity and sarcastic wit, he takes out vicious, foreign gunmen and does it all barefoot and in a wife beater. C'mon now! That's badASS!

3) Walt Kowalski (Played by Clint Eastwood) - Gran Torino
In his pruny, old age, the man grits "Git' off my lawn" at any race, gender, age whether they be a hoodlum, rat, rascal or every racist name that exists (it's uttered in this movie) while staring a 12-gauge shotgun barrel at his victims... That is all you need to know.

2) Blondie (Played by Clint Eastwood) - The "Man with No Name" trilogy
The most fearless, iconic anti-hero in all the west sports not a name but a stogie in his teeth when he murders his victims.

1) Dirty Harry (Played by Clint Eastwood) - The "Dirty Harry" franchise
Because, f*ck it, Clint Eastwood is the biggest badass in movie history. Period.

B.A. Tips: If you're holding a gun, you're instantly more badass than you were when you weren't holding a gun.

Welp, there you have it, folks. Check out Natale's list here:

Mickey's list

If they're similar in characters it's not because we helped each other out. Those are just clearly the biggest badasses... Be sure to look out for a future clash in the not-too-distant future.

Beeshman signing off.

May the badass Lord be with you all.

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